
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Thinking activity

This morning our class played are thinking game. Each group got given five items and one problem. So we had to figure out have we would find are solution to it ? Our question was to try and make more shade for the school. Our five items were are ladder, Ball, Shell, Rope and are towel. This is what we came up with . We had to find two tree's, Then we stuck the ladder between the to tree's and tied the ladder with the rope to the tree to keep it stable, And then we layed down the towel on top of the ladder and there you go now you have more shade.

It was fun and enjoying and i cant wait until we do it again. :)

here's are picture of our items and our question.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The last week or so ......

For the last couple of weeks our year 7&8 have been very busy lately . The reason why is because we are getting ready for production. Every time there's production practice the students that are not in production got moved all over the place into different classes. Our teacher Ms Tito is in charge of our production group so we often get moved around a lot.

What our year 7&8 groups have been learning is are Percussion traditional tribal dance. Every night from 6 pm the people that are in production have to come back to school on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night to preform. The reason they preform so many times is because they can only fit an minimum group of audience.

I hope everything gets back to normal again and because its the last week of term 3 i cant wait for school holidays "YAY" ! .